The first tool to generate your APIs using natural language only

Describe your need
Get your code
Deploy it to the cloud


Make complex websites easy to build and run

Podaki is a platform that uses AI to generate code for building websites with complex backend logic and infrastructure components. It assists companies in establishing or enhancing their online presence by simplifying code generation and website backend management.


Generate code

Focus on your business logic and what you want to achieve. Describe it and we will generate the code necessary to all your backend operations.


Vendor Lock-in Free

The code is always yours, you have access to it from the moment it is generated. You can choose to run it on your own at any moment, there is no vendor lock-in.



Maintaining complex backend is a difficult task that requires a lot of work. You can leave it to us, we will handle all the operations to maintain and update your code according to your needs.



There is no need to learn how to use Podaki. Describe your requirements in plain natural language and we will generate the code using that.

Future-proof your backend. Build for tomorrow, today.

Best Practices

Build your product with scalable, secure, cost optimized code and more.

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